A Slave-Fetched Breakfast

I confess, I don't remember the egregious offense. Maybe it was him blowing into my face while he was almost drunk, but I can't quite remember exactly what it was that PP did to cause him to ask, "How can I make it up to you?" Before thinking, I kicked off the smart-ass auto-response. Of course! "Be my slave."

Before I knew it, we were negotiating the terms, deciding that yesterday at noon was too late to start for a whole day, and that he would start the next day. He even text messaged me to ask what I wanted for breakfast. And when offered money, he politely declined. (I would have left money at his desk, but he moved desks and I don't know where he sits anymore.) This is how I was greeted this morning at my desk:

Okay, I admit, that's pretty damn cute. LOL. PP and I are both the resident OCD people in the office, providing Tide detergent sticks, hand sanitizer, 409 spray, and computer air cans to the rest of the people in the office, in vague hopes that everyone else will live as cleanly as we do... (We fail in an office of people who can barely shower, no less keep their desks clean.) That aside, this is such an OCD thing to do. Four packets of ketchup, a packet of salt and pepper, a container of salsa, a stack of napkins, and a knife and fork, all aligned at proper 90 degree angles, except the salt and pepper, which were delicately angled for effect. What could possibly warrant all of these bells and whistles, you ask?

A sausage and egg muffin. Mmmmmmm.... The cafe downstairs from where I work, Cafe 201, serves this grilled work of art every morning, sometimes with more eggs, sometimes with more cheese, and each time a heart-stopping (literally) stack of fatty goodness. Their sausage Chipotle burrito is also amazing. It's not much to look at and it's a disaster to try to eat without getting your hands all oily and greasy, but it's far worth the walk to the bathroom to wash your hands (and, let's face it--burn off some of that fat you just ate).

Again, I guess I'm just a sucker for breakfast.


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